APEX Award Winners

APEX Award Winners

2022 Grand Award Winners
The APEX Awards attract many outstanding entries. Of the nearly 1,200 entries in APEX 2022, just 100 Grand Award Winners were selected. Judges' comments for many of the 100 Grand Award-winning entries are shown below.

See APEX 2022 award winners across all categories: Download the list
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COVID-19 Media

Margaret Guroff
How to Beat

Covid This Year

AARP The Magazine

“Written in early 2021, this entry provided a valuable plan for protection from COVID-19 in the immediate future.  Presented in a very easy-to-understand Q & A format, this article offered “one-stop-shopping” for the most important information that individuals needed at the time to wage their battles against COVID-19.”

Lindsey Phillips
How COVID-19 is affecting our fears, phobias and anxieties
American Counseling Association

"This article, which appeared in early March as a feature in 'Counseling Today' provides a detailed analysis of the emotional aspects of dealing with COVID-19 with suggestions and recommendations for counselors who deal with patients of all ages and all types of mental illness.  While it is not possible to downplay the physical effects of COVID-19, and the losses so many people have endured, many of us that have lived through the last few years also need help in responding to the emotions resulting from the pandemic.  This article is of great value to those whose mission it is to help others deal with their emotional issues, and that is one reason it is a Grand Award winner."
Marilyn Oermann
The Future Capacity of the Nursing Workforce: COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impacts on New Nurses and Nursing Students Toward the Profession
Duke University

"The 'Education & Training' sub-category in 'COVID-19 Media' was filled with high-quality entries.  However, the effect of the pandemic on nurses with the demands on their time, the emotions of dealing with patients affected, the conflicts of personal safety and career obligation are all among the top concerns that require these topics to be a permanent part of education and training.  If nothing else, everyone, both in an out of the nursing profession, should read the brief conclusion at the end of this article.  While the general public was more than aware of the pressure on nurses during COVID-19, this piece added levels of understanding that really should be appreciated."
Caitlyn Stulpin
Long COVID: A ‘mysterious’ syndrome with ‘no clear pattern’ of symptoms
Thorofare, NJ

Keri Losavio
Philip Seo, MD, MHS
Liliana Estep
COVID-19: A Special Report from The Rheumatologist John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

"While COVID-19 has commanded the headlines since early 2020, other diseases have not ebbed.  Instead, they have, for the most part, been worsened.  This journal, published for members of the American College of Rheumatology, has long prided itself on offering information for medical professionals to offer the best rheumatology care possible.  This special report features articles such as 'Rheumatology-Specific COVID Vaccine Research Explored,' 'Outcomes in Rheumatic Disease Patients with COVID-19' and 'Telerheumatology:  What's Next.'  Those are only three of the 13 features articles in this special report.  Obviously, a must read for medical professionals in Rheumatology."
Sara Rattigan
Gene Beresin, MD, MA
Khadijah Booth Watkins, MD, MPH
Coronavirus and

Family Mental Health
MGH Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds
Boston, MA

Jeffrey E. Janis MD, FACS
Amanda Gosman, MD, FACS
Albert Losken, MD, FACS
PRS Global Open’s

COVID-19 Article Collection
PRS Global Open
Dallas, TX

Maureen Shawn Kennedy
Karen Roush
2020: The Year of COVID-19
Wolters Kluwer

"Not that anyone needs a reminder of what COVID-19 did in 2020, but as the years go by, details tend to get fuzzy.  AJN Magazine created a perfect 'year in review' that chronicles, almost day-by-day, the development of the pandemic.  From Jan. 1, when the WHO learned of cases of 'pneumonia' in Wuhan, China, to March 17 when many U.S. states and cities instituted shelter-in-place orders, to November 22, when the USA passed 12 million COVID-19 cases, this article deserves to be kept available so that the history of this pandemic does not fade as time goes on.  Comprehensive, but brief, the article is a good guide to what happened and when it happened."

COVID-19 Media

Margaret Guroff
How to Beat

Covid This Year

AARP The Magazine

“Written in early 2021, this entry provided a valuable plan for protection from COVID-19 in the immediate future.  Presented in a very easy-to-understand Q & A format, this article offered “one-stop-shopping” for the most important information that individuals needed at the time to wage their battles against COVID-19.”

Lindsey Phillips
How COVID-19 is affecting our fears, phobias and anxieties
American Counseling Association

"This article, which appeared in early March as a feature in 'Counseling Today' provides a detailed analysis of the emotional aspects of dealing with COVID-19 with suggestions and recommendations for counselors who deal with patients of all ages and all types of mental illness.  While it is not possible to downplay the physical effects of COVID-19, and the losses so many people have endured, many of us that have lived through the last few years also need help in responding to the emotions resulting from the pandemic.  This article is of great value to those whose mission it is to help others deal with their emotional issues, and that is one reason it is a Grand Award winner."
Marilyn Oermann
The Future Capacity of the Nursing Workforce: COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impacts on New Nurses and Nursing Students Toward the Profession
Duke University

"The 'Education & Training' sub-category in 'COVID-19 Media' was filled with high-quality entries.  However, the effect of the pandemic on nurses with the demands on their time, the emotions of dealing with patients affected, the conflicts of personal safety and career obligation are all among the top concerns that require these topics to be a permanent part of education and training.  If nothing else, everyone, both in an out of the nursing profession, should read the brief conclusion at the end of this article.  While the general public was more than aware of the pressure on nurses during COVID-19, this piece added levels of understanding that really should be appreciated."
Caitlyn Stulpin
Long COVID: A ‘mysterious’ syndrome with ‘no clear pattern’ of symptoms
Thorofare, NJ

Keri Losavio
Philip Seo, MD, MHS
Liliana Estep
COVID-19: A Special Report from The Rheumatologist John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

"While COVID-19 has commanded the headlines since early 2020, other diseases have not ebbed.  Instead, they have, for the most part, been worsened.  This journal, published for members of the American College of Rheumatology, has long prided itself on offering information for medical professionals to offer the best rheumatology care possible.  This special report features articles such as 'Rheumatology-Specific COVID Vaccine Research Explored,' 'Outcomes in Rheumatic Disease Patients with COVID-19' and 'Telerheumatology:  What's Next.'  Those are only three of the 13 features articles in this special report.  Obviously, a must read for medical professionals in Rheumatology."
Sara Rattigan
Gene Beresin, MD, MA
Khadijah Booth Watkins, MD, MPH
Coronavirus and

Family Mental Health
MGH Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds
Boston, MA

Jeffrey E. Janis MD, FACS
Amanda Gosman, MD, FACS
Albert Losken, MD, FACS
PRS Global Open’s

COVID-19 Article Collection
PRS Global Open
Dallas, TX

Maureen Shawn Kennedy
Karen Roush
2020: The Year of COVID-19
Wolters Kluwer

"Not that anyone needs a reminder of what COVID-19 did in 2020, but as the years go by, details tend to get fuzzy.  AJN Magazine created a perfect 'year in review' that chronicles, almost day-by-day, the development of the pandemic.  From Jan. 1, when the WHO learned of cases of 'pneumonia' in Wuhan, China, to March 17 when many U.S. states and cities instituted shelter-in-place orders, to November 22, when the USA passed 12 million COVID-19 cases, this article deserves to be kept available so that the history of this pandemic does not fade as time goes on.  Comprehensive, but brief, the article is a good guide to what happened and when it happened."
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Laine Crosby
Meg Sczyrba
ABA Bank Compliance:

The Increasingly Hot Topic
of Climate Change
American Bankers Association

"This year, APEX debuted a brand new category -- 'Environment," which included the sub-category of 'Climate Change.'  Our judges did NOT expect an organization titled 'American Bankers Association' to submit an entry in a category such as this, let alone win a Grand Award!  However, there is no denying the impact climate change has on some businesses and industries.  In fact, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has labeled climate change 'the biggest emerging threat to the health of the U.S. financial system'.  This article takes the time to review the basics of climate change and then goes beyond to discuss its regional impacts, how to mitigate it and the risks of transition.  It should be required reading, not only for those in corporations that need to evaluate its effect on their business, but also as an educational tool for the general public."
Seabright McCabe
Unbreakable Bricks:
Transforming Plastic Waste

Society of Women Engineers
Cleveland Heights, OH

Laine Crosby
Meg Sczyrba
ABA Bank Compliance:

The Increasingly Hot Topic
of Climate Change
American Bankers Association

"This year, APEX debuted a brand new category -- 'Environment," which included the sub-category of 'Climate Change.'  Our judges did NOT expect an organization titled 'American Bankers Association' to submit an entry in a category such as this, let alone win a Grand Award!  However, there is no denying the impact climate change has on some businesses and industries.  In fact, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has labeled climate change 'the biggest emerging threat to the health of the U.S. financial system'.  This article takes the time to review the basics of climate change and then goes beyond to discuss its regional impacts, how to mitigate it and the risks of transition.  It should be required reading, not only for those in corporations that need to evaluate its effect on their business, but also as an educational tool for the general public."
Seabright McCabe
Unbreakable Bricks:
Transforming Plastic Waste

Society of Women Engineers
Cleveland Heights, OH

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Nikki Yannone
Tammy Holoman
Rachel Sommers
Counseling Around the World: December 2021 NBCC Visions
National Board for Certified Counselors
Greensboro, NC

Elisa Becze
ONS Voice
Oncology Nursing Society
Pittsburgh, PA

Amanda McCullough
Stockton News

Stockton University
Galloway, NJ

Halley Sutton
Campus Security Report, October 2021
Playa del Rey, CA

Brenda Wilt
Holly Fishel
Casey Eisenhart
PSATS Morning News
Enola, PA

Nikki Yannone
Tammy Holoman
Rachel Sommers
Counseling Around the World:
December 2021 NBCC Visions

National Board for Certified Counselors
Greensboro, NC

Elisa Becze
ONS Voice
Oncology Nursing Society
Pittsburgh, PA

Amanda McCullough
Stockton News

Stockton University
Galloway, NJ

Halley Sutton
Campus Security Report,
October 2021

Playa del Rey, CA

Brenda Wilt
Holly Fishel
Casey Eisenhart
PSATS Morning News
Enola, PA

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Magzines, Journals & Tabloids
Ben Williams
The Diversity Issue

"Companies and associations throughout the U.S. are learning how to deal with the emphasis on diversity.  The issue featured in this entry from Trends Magazine includes 7 feature articles on the topic and deals with practical, historical and emotional issues in the veterinary profession including personal stories from one of the only Black veterinary oncologists, a transgender veterinarian, and a Black musician-turned-cat-advocate.  The magazine deals with this highly sensitive topic in a professional and sensitive way, offering suggestions on what to do and, sometimes more importantly, what not to do to ensure the fair treatment of all employees."

Nicole Racadag
Lisa Pampillonia
Chad Hudnall
The Way Ahead:
Screening Special Issue

American College of Radiology

"This special issue of the American College of Radiology Bulletin addresses the mounting evidence suggesting that COVID-19 will be an endemic virus for the foreseeable future.  That reality has caused prolonged delays in imaging along the cancer care comtinuum, particularly in underserved and underrepresented populations.  The critical point raised in the article is that Radiologist can help rewrite the existing narrative on health disparities by focusing on just access to high-quality care and access to screening. The pages of this special issue walk radiologists through the process of working to understand the barriers faced by patients in the community they serve and take active steps to address barriers to care, including screening.  It's a case of several small steps leading to a major change that is sorely needed."
Susan Straight
Monitor on Psychology
American Psychological Association

"The cover page of this Grand Award winning issue features a special report on COVID-19 vaccines, that shows how Behavioral Science can communicate risks and encourage vaccination uptake and, even more importantly, how a greater reliance on psychological experts could improve such public health efforts in the future.  A powerful article -- only one of a number of insightful and informative reports in this issue.  Probably the MOST relevant is the 10-page article entitled 'Misinformation: Controlling the Spread,' which offers an elegant explanation of the psychological mechanisms behind fake news, the insidious means by which it spreads, the fragility of mental health once it takes hold, and the paths forward in the current incendiary political climate.  This is one article that everyone -- Republicans, Democrats and Independents -- needs to read.  As if that weren't enough, another article in this same issue focuses on the taboo topic of pornography and outlines how psychologists are helping teens correct misconceptions developed in the minefield of distorted sexuality in online porn.  Don't throw this issue away."

Lucy Robertson
Educational Leadership, October 2021 “Compassionate Discipline”
Alexandria, VA

Danielle Galian
Dr. Cedric Dark
Nancy Calaway
October 2021 Issue
John Wiley & Sons

'"Promoted as '… written by emergency physicians for emergency physicians,' this monthly newsmagazine had a huge obligation during the pandemic to provide valuable information to its audience, and they delivered.  Not one article in the issue submitted for APEX 2022 failed to address some need for knowledge for emergency physicians.  Articles like 'The Future of Work in Emergency Medicine'...'Scenes from Surfside--The medical leader of an urban rescue team at the Surfside condo collapse shares his experience' and 'The Fully Flexible ED' are just three pieces that made this issue a valuable source of advice to its readers.  The editors truly fulfilled their goal as 'the official voice of emergency medicine'." 
Danielle Andrus
Bridger Cummings
Albert Hanner
Journal of Financial Planning
Journal of Financial Planning
Denver, CO

AlumNUS Oct-Dec 2021
Mediacorp Pte Ltd

Lois Levine
The Children’s
Mental Health Crisis

MJH Life Sciences

"While the effect of COVID-19 on adults was, indeed, traumatic, the pandemic only worsened the problem of mental health problems for children.  The March 2022 issue of Contemporary Pediatrics featured a special section on the topic.   A woeful lack of pediatric psychiatrists and psychologists in the workforce, desperately needed funding for public mental health services, and a look at how pediatricians are trained as mental health providers in medical school all came together to form a perfect storm when the pandemic hit.  In 'normal' times, technology has worsened the mental health crisis for children.  With COVID-19 providing even more stress, there's no question that pediatric health providers need this special section to better care for their patients.  The article titled 'Screening adolescents for psychosocial concerns' by itself is a keeper."
Jason Chiew
Lifewise, Jan-Mar 2022, Issue 91
National Healthcare Group

"This publication from Singapore consistently surpasses the norm in both design and content.  The cover story to this Grand Award winning first quarter 2022 issue is titled 'Blazing Their Own Trail' and reports on those entering the healthcare profession amid a pandemic.  Also in this issue are articles on the stress of working from home, the future of healthcare as that was the focus of the 2021 Singapore Health and Biomedical Congress and an inside look at how a major hospital battled back after becoming the country's first COVID-19 hospital cluster.  All this, in addition to the regular features of diet and exercise hints and other regularly published departments make Lifewise both an informative and pleasurable, high-quality read."

SHS Marketing Team
Erin Gudge
Heart to Heart
Samaritan Health Services
Corvallis, OR

Tony Lee
HR Magazine
Alexandria, VA

Fenella Saunders
Trustworthy Science, July-August 2021 Special Issue, American Scientist
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society
Research Triangle Park, NC

Anne Perusek
SWE Magazine, Fall 2021
Society of Women Engineers
Cleveland Heights, OH

Christopher Tay
ThinkFarm Pte Ltd Singapore

Pamela Tarapchak
Sarah LaCorte
Oncology Times
Wolters Kluwer
Philadelphia, PA

Magzines, Journals & Tabloids
Ben Williams
The Diversity Issue

"Companies and associations throughout the U.S. are learning how to deal with the emphasis on diversity.  The issue featured in this entry from Trends Magazine includes 7 feature articles on the topic and deals with practical, historical and emotional issues in the veterinary profession including personal stories from one of the only Black veterinary oncologists, a transgender veterinarian, and a Black musician-turned-cat-advocate.  The magazine deals with this highly sensitive topic in a professional and sensitive way, offering suggestions on what to do and, sometimes more importantly, what not to do to ensure the fair treatment of all employees."

Nicole Racadag
Lisa Pampillonia
Chad Hudnall
The Way Ahead:
Screening Special Issue

American College of Radiology

"This special issue of the American College of Radiology Bulletin addresses the mounting evidence suggesting that COVID-19 will be an endemic virus for the foreseeable future.  That reality has caused prolonged delays in imaging along the cancer care comtinuum, particularly in underserved and underrepresented populations.  The critical point raised in the article is that Radiologist can help rewrite the existing narrative on health disparities by focusing on just access to high-quality care and access to screening. The pages of this special issue walk radiologists through the process of working to understand the barriers faced by patients in the community they serve and take active steps to address barriers to care, including screening.  It's a case of several small steps leading to a major change that is sorely needed."
Susan Straight
Monitor on Psychology
American Psychological Association

"The cover page of this Grand Award winning issue features a special report on COVID-19 vaccines, that shows how Behavioral Science can communicate risks and encourage vaccination uptake and, even more importantly, how a greater reliance on psychological experts could improve such public health efforts in the future.  A powerful article -- only one of a number of insightful and informative reports in this issue.  Probably the MOST relevant is the 10-page article entitled 'Misinformation: Controlling the Spread,' which offers an elegant explanation of the psychological mechanisms behind fake news, the insidious means by which it spreads, the fragility of mental health once it takes hold, and the paths forward in the current incendiary political climate.  This is one article that everyone -- Republicans, Democrats and Independents -- needs to read.  As if that weren't enough, another article in this same issue focuses on the taboo topic of pornography and outlines how psychologists are helping teens correct misconceptions developed in the minefield of distorted sexuality in online porn.  Don't throw this issue away."

Lucy Robertson
Educational Leadership, October 2021 “Compassionate Discipline”
Alexandria, VA

Danielle Galian
Dr. Cedric Dark
Nancy Calaway
October 2021 Issue
John Wiley & Sons

'"Promoted as '… written by emergency physicians for emergency physicians,' this monthly newsmagazine had a huge obligation during the pandemic to provide valuable information to its audience, and they delivered.  Not one article in the issue submitted for APEX 2022 failed to address some need for knowledge for emergency physicians.  Articles like 'The Future of Work in Emergency Medicine'...'Scenes from Surfside--The medical leader of an urban rescue team at the Surfside condo collapse shares his experience' and 'The Fully Flexible ED' are just three pieces that made this issue a valuable source of advice to its readers.  The editors truly fulfilled their goal as 'the official voice of emergency medicine'." 
Danielle Andrus
Bridger Cummings
Albert Hanner
Journal of Financial Planning
Journal of Financial Planning
Denver, CO

AlumNUS Oct-Dec 2021
Mediacorp Pte Ltd

Lois Levine
The Children’s
Mental Health Crisis

MJH Life Sciences

"While the effect of COVID-19 on adults was, indeed, traumatic, the pandemic only worsened the problem of mental health problems for children.  The March 2022 issue of Contemporary Pediatrics featured a special section on the topic.   A woeful lack of pediatric psychiatrists and psychologists in the workforce, desperately needed funding for public mental health services, and a look at how pediatricians are trained as mental health providers in medical school all came together to form a perfect storm when the pandemic hit.  In 'normal' times, technology has worsened the mental health crisis for children.  With COVID-19 providing even more stress, there's no question that pediatric health providers need this special section to better care for their patients.  The article titled 'Screening adolescents for psychosocial concerns' by itself is a keeper."
Jason Chiew
Lifewise, Jan-Mar 2022, Issue 91
National Healthcare Group

"This publication from Singapore consistently surpasses the norm in both design and content.  The cover story to this Grand Award winning first quarter 2022 issue is titled 'Blazing Their Own Trail' and reports on those entering the healthcare profession amid a pandemic.  Also in this issue are articles on the stress of working from home, the future of healthcare as that was the focus of the 2021 Singapore Health and Biomedical Congress and an inside look at how a major hospital battled back after becoming the country's first COVID-19 hospital cluster.  All this, in addition to the regular features of diet and exercise hints and other regularly published departments make Lifewise both an informative and pleasurable, high-quality read."

SHS Marketing Team
Erin Gudge
Heart to Heart
Samaritan Health Services
Corvallis, OR

Tony Lee
HR Magazine
Alexandria, VA

Fenella Saunders
Trustworthy Science, July-August 2021 Special Issue, American Scientist
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society
Research Triangle Park, NC

Anne Perusek
SWE Magazine, Fall 2021
Society of Women Engineers
Cleveland Heights, OH

Christopher Tay
ThinkFarm Pte Ltd Singapore

Pamela Tarapchak
Sarah LaCorte
Oncology Times
Wolters Kluwer
Philadelphia, PA

Divider Text
Annual Reports
William Maroni
Michael Quigley
Annual Report 2021 - “Connecting People, Transforming the Future”
American Public Transportation Association

"Most annual reports feature photos taken at in-person conferences and seminars to break-up the presentation of data.  So what happens when a pandemic prevents most in-person events from occurring?  Many associations faced exactly that challenge, and the APTA faced it head-on by creatively re-designing their 2021 Annual report.  Section 1 addressed the circumstances by presenting a series of one-page essays on the challenges faced and the emergence of new priorities, all introduced with a striking full-page photograph.  Section 2 featured a slightly different paper color and focused on the more traditional subjects of the associations initiatives to serve its members and the past fiscally year's results.  Graphically appealing and extremely well written, this was an excellent example of how to creatively deal with a challenge."
Annual Reports
William Maroni
Michael Quigley
Annual Report 2021 - “Connecting People, Transforming the Future”
American Public Transportation Association

"Most annual reports feature photos taken at in-person conferences and seminars to break-up the presentation of data.  So what happens when a pandemic prevents most in-person events from occurring?  Many associations faced exactly that challenge, and the APTA faced it head-on by creatively re-designing their 2021 Annual report.  Section 1 addressed the circumstances by presenting a series of one-page essays on the challenges faced and the emergence of new priorities, all introduced with a striking full-page photograph.  Section 2 featured a slightly different paper color and focused on the more traditional subjects of the associations initiatives to serve its members and the past fiscally year's results.  Graphically appealing and extremely well written, this was an excellent example of how to creatively deal with a challenge."
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Print Media
Krystie Dovenmuehler
2021 Clovis CoC Lifestyle & Resource Guide
E&M Consulting Inc.

"From the attractive hot-air balloon front cover, through the 20-page, easy-to-read alphabetical and by category membership listing, this is a perfect example of what a regional print directory should look like.  With a calendar of events, article on economic growth, community events and culture, statuary art and sections on activities and attractions, the local scene, hometown sports and healthcare, this guide packs a ton of information in just 64 pages.  Well-written, well-photographed and excellently laid-out, it's a pleasure to thumb through this guide and, maybe, make a little stop into this community when visiting Disneyland, LA, and or San Francisco!"

David Beagin
Cindi Sathra
Christina Reeves
Gasper Spring
2022 Catalog

Gasper Landscaping

"Gasper made a strategic decision to convert their large April book into two smaller catalogs:  Early Spring (published in February) and late Spring (published in April.  With 'Outdoor Entertaining' as the main theme of the Early Spring catalog, featured sections include 'Life of the Party,' (a truly picturesque essay that leaves one envious of the space available and the design created for that space) and 'For Your Entertainment,' which presents five different 'favorite features' of the editors.   The Home & Garden Showplace division features over 32 pages of springtime inspiration with vivid colors and photography.  This is just a wonderful catalog to thumb through even to get ideas for less expensive renovations."
Daveen Kurutz
Jen Nolfi
JJ Hrechun
AERAS Press Packet ‘21
M:7 Agency
Beaver, PA

Shannon Sonnett
Thomas Lester
Andrew McCray
2021 Preliminary
Bowie-Mitchellville and Vicinity Master Plan

Prince George’s Planning Dept., M-NCPPC

"Maybe other municipalities prepare a thorough description of their visions for the future that includes a detailed Public Participation Plan allowing input and feedback from residents, property owners business owners and other stakeholders.  If so, they may not present their findings in such a comprehensive and detailed fashion.  This is not 'bedtime reading' by any means, but if you are a resident of this community and have any question at all about the future plans, you will find it.  In today's political environment, this is a shining example of how local government SHOULD involve the community it serves."

Kari Duma-White
Port Authority Suicide Prevention mailer
United Healthcare
Peoria, AZ

Kari Duma-White
DHL Financial Well-Being Resource Guide
United Healthcare
Peoria, AZ

Print Media
Krystie Dovenmuehler
2021 Clovis CoC Lifestyle & Resource Guide
E&M Consulting Inc.

"From the attractive hot-air balloon front cover, through the 20-page, easy-to-read alphabetical and by category membership listing, this is a perfect example of what a regional print directory should look like.  With a calendar of events, article on economic growth, community events and culture, statuary art and sections on activities and attractions, the local scene, hometown sports and healthcare, this guide packs a ton of information in just 64 pages.  Well-written, well-photographed and excellently laid-out, it's a pleasure to thumb through this guide and, maybe, make a little stop into this community when visiting Disneyland, LA, and or San Francisco!"
David Beagin
Cindi Sathra
Christina Reeves
Gasper Spring
2022 Catalog

Gasper Landscaping

"Gasper made a strategic decision to convert their large April book into two smaller catalogs:  Early Spring (published in February) and late Spring (published in April.  With 'Outdoor Entertaining' as the main theme of the Early Spring catalog, featured sections include 'Life of the Party,' (a truly picturesque essay that leaves one envious of the space available and the design created for that space) and 'For Your Entertainment,' which presents five different 'favorite features' of the editors.   The Home & Garden Showplace division features over 32 pages of springtime inspiration with vivid colors and photography.  This is just a wonderful catalog to thumb through even to get ideas for less expensive renovations."
Daveen Kurutz
Jen Nolfi
JJ Hrechun
AERAS Press Packet ‘21
M:7 Agency
Beaver, PA

Shannon Sonnett
Thomas Lester
Andrew McCray
2021 Preliminary
Bowie-Mitchellville and Vicinity Master Plan

Prince George’s Planning Dept., M-NCPPC

"Maybe other municipalities prepare a thorough description of their visions for the future that includes a detailed Public Participation Plan allowing input and feedback from residents, property owners business owners and other stakeholders.  If so, they may not present their findings in such a comprehensive and detailed fashion.  This is not 'bedtime reading' by any means, but if you are a resident of this community and have any question at all about the future plans, you will find it.  In today's political environment, this is a shining example of how local government SHOULD involve the community it serves."

Kari Duma-White
Port Authority Suicide Prevention mailer
United Healthcare
Peoria, AZ

Kari Duma-White
DHL Financial Well-Being Resource Guide
United Healthcare
Peoria, AZ

Divider Text
Electronic Media
Kate Sigety
AAO-HNS Implicit Bias Video Education Series

"The difference in treatment among different ethnic segments has been an extremely sensitive topic in recent years.  In fact, disparity in healthcare is now universally acknowledged as one of the most significant deficiencies of our current health system.  This 10-video series should become the 'textbook' on how to address this issue.  Written BY practicing physicians FOR practicing physicians, each video presents two real-world scenarios -- first an inappropriate interaction with explanations as to what went wrong, followed by that same encounter but free of implicit bias.  This series needs to be utilized for training any medical schools, hospitals, residency programs and private practices so that the next generation of medical professionals will be able to adequately service all ethnicities.  A good goal to shoot for."
Stephanie Conner Kiddos in the Kitchen Active Voice Communications

"Debuting in 2019, this is just a wonderful podcast that introduces children to the joy of cooking and enables them to participate in the preparation of family meals.  Frequently listed in the top 150 parenting/kids podcasts in the U.S., the podcasts have often featured chefs, cookbook authors and spokespeople for the American Academy of Pediatrics.  It is highly rated by most listeners and has contributed to a 200% increase in unique website visitors.  The podcasts cover a wide range of topics, from picky eating and how to use a knife properly to how to make cooking simpler and more accessible for families. Season 3 included great episodes on food safety and holiday baking.  It's just a great way to both teach cooking skills and have some great family time."

Adele Sommers Overview of Four Learning Modes Business
Performance Inc.
Ukiah, CA

Danelle Johnston
Sally Werner
Frankly Speaking About Cancer: CAR T Patient & Caregiver Guide
Cancer Support Community
Washington, DC

Healio News Staff
Unmasking COVID-19 Podcast and Town Hall
Thorofare, NJ

Keri Jaehnig
Bart Caylor
Wesley Cheng
Social Media Process
& Standards Guide

Idea Girl Media
Wilmington, OH

Mike Borruso
McKinsey for Kids
Mckinsey Global Publishing
New York, NY

Scott Baker
Sara Mirabilio
Dave Shaw
Hook, Line & Science
North Carolina Sea Grant
Raleigh, NC

Adam Watt
Joe DiMeo’s Face and Double Hand Transplant Journey
NYU Langone Health

"The mere title of this entry: ….'face and double hand transplant surgery…' immediately evokes interest.  The word "transplant" has almost become passe as more and more of these surgeries become commonplace.  However, this transplant is a shining example of how medical advancement now allows what just a short time ago was unthinkable.  Combining an 8-minute video of the journey of a 22-year old nearly killed in an auto accident with a 50-minute video describing the processes involved in the journey, this judge was literally amazed and could not interrupt the viewing of these videos presenting the sheer courage and determination of Joe DiMeo.  Accompanied by an article providing background to the process, this package is a must-see for all to see what is possible in medicine today."

John Renz
Heidi Udell
Michelle Kwiatskowski Prudential FlexGuard NASDAQ Billboard

"In evaluating this entry, placed in the 'Electronic Media/Video Media" category, this judge was impressed by the sheer size of the billboard submitted.  We think it's safe to say that no other entry occupied the entire side of the Nasdaq tower in New York.  In addition to the size, the initial 'countdown' leading to the 'burst' was an excellent attention-getting technique, making it easy to convey the message in 30 seconds to anyone walking by the area.  That technique also made this billboard stand out among all the competitive messaging.  Great use of the space!"

Hannah Baston
Dr. Zina O’Leary
SAGE Campus - Research Proposal
SAGE Publishing, Inc.

"This is a fabulous online course that provides the learner with all the information and guidance needed to prepare a research proposal, from early preparation to submission.  Rather than just relying on a written resource, this 5-hour course walks the student through the often new and daunting process of creating a research proposal by going through five simple modules that offer a step-by-step method and takes the mystery out of the process.  Upon completion of this online course, the learner will have all the guidelines needed to overcome the obstacles of crafting a winning proposal and the knowledge needed to prepare all future proposals."  

Erick Gill
Mike Claus
Stefan Rogenmoser
St. Lucie County
Weekly COVID Briefings

St. Lucie County BOCC
Fort Pierce, FL

Phaedra Cress
Breast Implant Illness: An Expert-Panel Discussion on Current Research
The Aesthetic Society

"With the obvious sensitivity to the subject of breast implants in both the medical and lay communities, this entry puts forth a valuable expert roundtable discussion among key opinion leaders in plastic surgery.  They describe the current state of challenges, research and education as well as the physical indications and implications of breast implant illness for patients.  This is one topic where physical, emotional and psychological implications need to be treated with equal attention, and this discussion provides a reliable, positive source of information in the area."

Electronic Media
Kate Sigety
AAO-HNS Implicit Bias
Video Education Series


"The difference in treatment among different ethnic segments has been an extremely sensitive topic in recent years.  In fact, disparity in healthcare is now universally acknowledged as one of the most significant deficiencies of our current health system.  This 10-video series should become the 'textbook' on how to address this issue.  Written BY practicing physicians FOR practicing physicians, each video presents two real-world scenarios -- first an inappropriate interaction with explanations as to what went wrong, followed by that same encounter but free of implicit bias.  This series needs to be utilized for training any medical schools, hospitals, residency programs and private practices so that the next generation of medical professionals will be able to adequately service all ethnicities.  A good goal to shoot for."
Stephanie Conner
Kiddos in the Kitchen
Active Voice Communications

"Debuting in 2019, this is just a wonderful podcast that introduces children to the joy of cooking and enables them to participate in the preparation of family meals.  Frequently listed in the top 150 parenting/kids podcasts in the U.S., the podcasts have often featured chefs, cookbook authors and spokespeople for the American Academy of Pediatrics.  It is highly rated by most listeners and has contributed to a 200% increase in unique website visitors.  The podcasts cover a wide range of topics, from picky eating and how to use a knife properly to how to make cooking simpler and more accessible for families. Season 3 included great episodes on food safety and holiday baking.  It's just a great way to both teach cooking skills and have some great family time."

Adele Sommers
Overview of Four Learning Modes
Business Performance Inc.
Ukiah, CA

Danelle Johnston
Sally Werner
Frankly Speaking About Cancer: CAR T Patient & Caregiver Guide
Cancer Support Community
Washington, DC

Healio News Staff
Unmasking COVID-19 Podcast and Town Hall
Thorofare, NJ

Keri Jaehnig
Bart Caylor
Wesley Cheng
Social Media Process & Standards Guide
Idea Girl Media
Wilmington, OH

Mike Borruso
McKinsey for Kids
Mckinsey Global Publishing
New York, NY

Scott Baker
Sara Mirabilio
Dave Shaw
Hook, Line & Science
North Carolina Sea Grant
Raleigh, NC

Adam Watt
Joe DiMeo’s Face and Double Hand Transplant Journey
NYU Langone Health

"The mere title of this entry: ….'face and double hand transplant surgery…' immediately evokes interest.  The word "transplant" has almost become passe as more and more of these surgeries become commonplace.  However, this transplant is a shining example of how medical advancement now allows what just a short time ago was unthinkable.  Combining an 8-minute video of the journey of a 22-year old nearly killed in an auto accident with a 50-minute video describing the processes involved in the journey, this judge was literally amazed and could not interrupt the viewing of these videos presenting the sheer courage and determination of Joe DiMeo.  Accompanied by an article providing background to the process, this package is a must-see for all to see what is possible in medicine today."

John Renz
Heidi Udell
Michelle Kwiatskowski
Prudential FlexGuard NASDAQ Billboard

"In evaluating this entry, placed in the 'Electronic Media/Video Media" category, this judge was impressed by the sheer size of the billboard submitted.  We think it's safe to say that no other entry occupied the entire side of the Nasdaq tower in New York.  In addition to the size, the initial 'countdown' leading to the 'burst' was an excellent attention-getting technique, making it easy to convey the message in 30 seconds to anyone walking by the area.  That technique also made this billboard stand out among all the competitive messaging.  Great use of the space!"

Hannah Baston
Dr. Zina O’Leary
SAGE Campus - Research Proposal
SAGE Publishing, Inc.

"This is a fabulous online course that provides the learner with all the information and guidance needed to prepare a research proposal, from early preparation to submission.  Rather than just relying on a written resource, this 5-hour course walks the student through the often new and daunting process of creating a research proposal by going through five simple modules that offer a step-by-step method and takes the mystery out of the process.  Upon completion of this online course, the learner will have all the guidelines needed to overcome the obstacles of crafting a winning proposal and the knowledge needed to prepare all future proposals."  

Erick Gill
Mike Claus
Stefan Rogenmoser
St. Lucie County Weekly COVID Briefings
St. Lucie County BOCC
Fort Pierce, FL

Phaedra Cress
Breast Implant Illness: An Expert-Panel Discussion on Current Research
The Aesthetic Society

"With the obvious sensitivity to the subject of breast implants in both the medical and lay communities, this entry puts forth a valuable expert roundtable discussion among key opinion leaders in plastic surgery.  They describe the current state of challenges, research and education as well as the physical indications and implications of breast implant illness for patients.  This is one topic where physical, emotional and psychological implications need to be treated with equal attention, and this discussion provides a reliable, positive source of information in the area."

Divider Text
Virtual Communications
Carrie Goldrick
Amanda Beasley America Saves Week Emails: Save-Cation Campaign
Hunt Valley, MD

Virtual Communications
Carrie Goldrick
Amanda Beasley America Saves Week Emails: Save-Cation Campaign
Hunt Valley, MD

Divider Text
Social Media
Alana Roche’
NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center Instagram
Logical Innovations Inc. at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center
Edwards, CA

Lois Bowers
Lois A. Bowers’ coronavirus blogs
McKnight’s Senior Living

"The situation of COVID-19 and senior living facilities was one of the more troubling aspects of the pandemic.  The editor of McKnight's Senior Living, therefore, had to meet challenges never before present in the industry.  The three blog articles submitted for this entry proved that she was up to the challenge.  'Say It Loud, Say It Proud" came more than half a year after the vaccine first became available and at a time when the highly contagious delta variant was spreading.  This blog article encouraged readers to celebrate those facilities where a high level of vaccination had been achieved and those employees who had taken this step to protect themselves and residents.  'Could a national vaccine mandate be coming to senior living?' addresses all the issues this question raises.  Congratulations for creating these well-written and informative articles."
Andrew Snyder
Inspiring Stories on Content Hub – Paola, Koshal, Martine Holden
Orlando Health

"During the pandemic, there was a huge need for stories of hope.  This Grand Award winning entry delivered not only one, but three stories that would inspire even the most unemotional person.  The point of the stories is to highlight everyday people thrust into extraordinary health crises so that the reader can identify with the struggles they face.  The stories attached to this entry -- a COVID-19 infected woman forced to have an emergency C-section and the caring nurse who helped her through the ordeal, a woman who five failed pregnancies before getting the care that would allow her to give birth to two healthy children, and another mother stricken with a weakness so sever that she could not even hold her infant cured by physical therapy -- are truly inspiring stories that provide that much needed hope.  Intense, but heartwarming."

Carly Brockinton
County Scavenger Hunt
Prince George’s
Planning Dept., M-NCPPC
Upper Marlboro, MD

Meagan Brace
Valerie Alba
Skyler Swezy
Sandia Labs’ Social Media: Celebrating diversity, elevating inclusion
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM

Social Media
Alana Roche’
NASA’s Armstrong Flight
Research Center Instagram

Logical Innovations Inc. at NASA’s
Armstrong Flight Research Center
Edwards, CA

Lois Bowers
Lois A. Bowers’ coronavirus blogs
McKnight’s Senior Living

"The situation of COVID-19 and senior living facilities was one of the more troubling aspects of the pandemic.  The editor of McKnight's Senior Living, therefore, had to meet challenges never before present in the industry.  The three blog articles submitted for this entry proved that she was up to the challenge.  'Say It Loud, Say It Proud" came more than half a year after the vaccine first became available and at a time when the highly contagious delta variant was spreading.  This blog article encouraged readers to celebrate those facilities where a high level of vaccination had been achieved and those employees who had taken this step to protect themselves and residents.  'Could a national vaccine mandate be coming to senior living?' addresses all the issues this question raises.  Congratulations for creating these well-written and informative articles."
Andrew Snyder
Inspiring Stories on Content Hub –
Paola, Koshal, Martine Holden

Orlando Health

"During the pandemic, there was a huge need for stories of hope.  This Grand Award winning entry delivered not only one, but three stories that would inspire even the most unemotional person.  The point of the stories is to highlight everyday people thrust into extraordinary health crises so that the reader can identify with the struggles they face.  The stories attached to this entry -- a COVID-19 infected woman forced to have an emergency C-section and the caring nurse who helped her through the ordeal, a woman who five failed pregnancies before getting the care that would allow her to give birth to two healthy children, and another mother stricken with a weakness so sever that she could not even hold her infant cured by physical therapy -- are truly inspiring stories that provide that much needed hope.  Intense, but heartwarming."

Carly Brockinton
County Scavenger Hunt
Prince George’s
Planning Dept., M-NCPPC
Upper Marlboro, MD

Meagan Brace
Valerie Alba
Skyler Swezy
Sandia Labs’ Social Media:
Celebrating diversity, elevating inclusion

Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM

Divider Text
Buck Global, LLC.
and Pfizer Communications Team
Pfizer U.S. Annual Enrollment Website
Buck Global, LLC
New York, NY

Hannibal Inker
Brain Tissue Repository
Mind & Media
Alexandria, VA

Laura Gilbert
Linda Nguyen
Prospect Medical Holdings’ New Website
Prospect Medical Holdings
Los Angeles, CA

Joseph Ney
Make Your Mental
Health a Priority

Alexandria, VA

Edward Vital
Lupus Forum
University of Leeds, United Kingdom

"This judge, along with many others, have heard of 'lupus,' but do not know much about it.  In evaluating this entry, it was shocking to see how prevalent this disease is.  1.5 millions Americans…90% of those affected are female…in many cases, a major organ in the body is severely affected…65% of those affected list 'chronic pain' and the most difficult symptom and so on.  This website is an educational website dedicated to reporting the latest developments in the field and provides continuing medical education to clinicians worldwide to provide greater understanding of causes and treatment.  Importantly, also, the site is free from commercial bias.  Video tutorials are also provided.  This site proves to be a valuable resource in fighting this disease."

Buck Global, LLC.
and Pfizer Communications Team
Pfizer U.S. Annual Enrollment Website
Buck Global, LLC
New York, NY

Hannibal Inker
Brain Tissue Repository
Mind & Media
Alexandria, VA

Laura Gilbert
Linda Nguyen
Prospect Medical Holdings’ New Website
Prospect Medical Holdings
Los Angeles, CA

Joseph Ney
Make Your Mental Health a Priority
Alexandria, VA

Edward Vital
Lupus Forum
University of Leeds,
United Kingdom

"This judge, along with many others, have heard of 'lupus,' but do not know much about it.  In evaluating this entry, it was shocking to see how prevalent this disease is.  1.5 millions Americans…90% of those affected are female…in many cases, a major organ in the body is severely affected…65% of those affected list 'chronic pain' and the most difficult symptom and so on.  This website is an educational website dedicated to reporting the latest developments in the field and provides continuing medical education to clinicians worldwide to provide greater understanding of causes and treatment.  Importantly, also, the site is free from commercial bias.  Video tutorials are also provided.  This site proves to be a valuable resource in fighting this disease."

Divider Text
Campaigns, Programs & Plans
Lauren Nowicki
Jenny Arndt
Scientific Foundations: 850 Children Receive STEM Literacy Program at Edwards Vacuum Groundbreaking
Dacon Corporation

"First -- Edwards Vacuum, in collaboration with Dacon and two other partner companies, broke ground on a huge manufacturing center that would create 110 jobs -- a fabulous undertaking in any environment, let alone what's happened thus far in the '20s.  Then, to mark the event, the partners created the city's first STEM literacy program that treated 850 children, ages 5-10, to 30 different events where they are fed lunch, conduct a science experiment and are given relevant books to keep.  They hope that this will become a model for other communities, and with an estimated 1,179,700 impressions for the corporate and nonprofit participants, why shouldn't it?"

Heather Simmons Bechtel -
Get Fit Financially

Empower Retirement

"This is a well-structured, comprehensive campaign to help employees of all different ages, but particularly those nearing retirement.   This company dedicated the first three weeks of May to providing live webinars titled Retirement Readiness, Booting up Your Financial Future, Early Financial Planning, Women and Investing, Social Security and Medicare.  This 'something for everyone' syllabus offers a huge benefit to employees who want to learn more about how to ensure their financial well-being.  The 'after-webinar' survey provided to all attendees is a nice touch so that future webinars can take the survey results and comments into consideration."

Justin Smith
Megan Jahns
Mr. Snowplow Public Service Campaign
Idaho Transportation Department
Boise, ID

Giuseppe Barone
IMA Integrated Marketing & Communications Campaign – Becoming the Most Desirable Credential for Accounting and Finance Professionals
IMA (Institute of Management Accountants)

"The pandemic has challenged all associations to remain relevant and viable to members and prospects through challenging times.  This particular association has the challenge of convincing prospects of the value of obtaining a 'Certified Management Accountant' designation.  They attacked this challenge with an awareness campaign that also integrated humor in seizing the attention of the reader/viewer, and driving home the message that the global economy needs qualified talent to rebuild, and CMAs fill that need best.  Through the use of digital, print and social media, the truly innovative way that the association went to the extent of tailoring regional messaging to the different areas of the world cinched the decision to make this entry a Grand Award winner."

Laura Peterson
Steve Lighthill
Kevin Rohrer
NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center’s 75th Anniversary Campaign
Media Fusion Inc. at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center
Edwards, CA

Carmondy Breaux-Burns Metropolitan Water District of Southern California 401(k) and 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plans— Investing Wisely Campaign
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA

Matt Brock
Quality Talks

"The challenge faced by all associations and organizations in the COVID-19 era was to how to conduct their, usually in-person, meetings via some other method.  The NCQA tackled this concern by creating a series of stirring, succinct talks by current and emerging health care leaders who focused on the topic of improving American health care.  They produced nearly six hours of compelling screen content to keep their audience engaged, with the result being attendance and ticket sales that achieved an all-time high, with analytics showing that more than 90 percent stayed online, viewing the talks for the entire event. The NCQA met the challenge of communicating to their audience with flying colors."

Ginny Van Cura
Optum Store Sept.
Baby Safety + Owlet(6)

"There is no topic more important to parents of babies and toddlers than their safety. This marketing campaign addresses those issues with flying colors.  At the core is a product called the 'Owlet Smart Sock' that allows parents to track their child's heart rate, oxygen level and sleep trends up to five years of age.  Their are then 'extensions' and 'bundles' which offer additional options and low-cost products for additional care.  No parent should miss the opportunity this simple and straightforward campaign offers.  This could truly provide a favorable result to a 'life or death' issue."

Íris Brito, MD
Murilo Secanho, MD
Macarena Vizcay, MD
PRS Global Open’s Face the Case
PRS Global Open
Dallas, TX

Molly Brauer
Trihealth -
Student Debt Solution

Cincinnati, OH

Campaigns, Programs & Plans
Lauren Nowicki
Jenny Arndt
Scientific Foundations:
850 Children Receive
STEM Literacy Program at
Edwards Vacuum Groundbreaking

Dacon Corporation

"First -- Edwards Vacuum, in collaboration with Dacon and two other partner companies, broke ground on a huge manufacturing center that would create 110 jobs -- a fabulous undertaking in any environment, let alone what's happened thus far in the '20s.  Then, to mark the event, the partners created the city's first STEM literacy program that treated 850 children, ages 5-10, to 30 different events where they are fed lunch, conduct a science experiment and are given relevant books to keep.  They hope that this will become a model for other communities, and with an estimated 1,179,700 impressions for the corporate and nonprofit participants, why shouldn't it?"

Heather Simmons
Bechtel - Get Fit Financially
Empower Retirement

"This is a well-structured, comprehensive campaign to help employees of all different ages, but particularly those nearing retirement.   This company dedicated the first three weeks of May to providing live webinars titled Retirement Readiness, Booting up Your Financial Future, Early Financial Planning, Women and Investing, Social Security and Medicare.  This 'something for everyone' syllabus offers a huge benefit to employees who want to learn more about how to ensure their financial well-being.  The 'after-webinar' survey provided to all attendees is a nice touch so that future webinars can take the survey results and comments into consideration."

Justin Smith
Megan Jahns
Mr. Snowplow Public Service Campaign
Idaho Transportation Department
Boise, ID

Giuseppe Barone
IMA Integrated Marketing
& Communications Campaign –
Becoming the Most Desirable
Credential for Accounting
and Finance Professionals

IMA (Institute of
Management Accountants)

"The pandemic has challenged all associations to remain relevant and viable to members and prospects through challenging times.  This particular association has the challenge of convincing prospects of the value of obtaining a 'Certified Management Accountant' designation.  They attacked this challenge with an awareness campaign that also integrated humor in seizing the attention of the reader/viewer, and driving home the message that the global economy needs qualified talent to rebuild, and CMAs fill that need best.  Through the use of digital, print and social media, the truly innovative way that the association went to the extent of tailoring regional messaging to the different areas of the world cinched the decision to make this entry a Grand Award winner."

Laura Peterson
Steve Lighthill
Kevin Rohrer
NASA’s Armstrong Flight
Research Center’s 75th
Anniversary Campaign

Media Fusion Inc. at NASA’s
Armstrong Flight Research Center
Edwards, CA

Carmondy Breaux-Burns
Metropolitan Water District
of Southern California 401(k)
and 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plans
— Investing Wisely Campaign

Metropolitan Water District
of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA

Matt Brock
Quality Talks

"The challenge faced by all associations and organizations in the COVID-19 era was to how to conduct their, usually in-person, meetings via some other method.  The NCQA tackled this concern by creating a series of stirring, succinct talks by current and emerging health care leaders who focused on the topic of improving American health care.  They produced nearly six hours of compelling screen content to keep their audience engaged, with the result being attendance and ticket sales that achieved an all-time high, with analytics showing that more than 90 percent stayed online, viewing the talks for the entire event. The NCQA met the challenge of communicating to their audience with flying colors."

Ginny Van Cura
Optum Store Sept.
Baby Safety + Owlet(6)

"There is no topic more important to parents of babies and toddlers than their safety. This marketing campaign addresses those issues with flying colors.  At the core is a product called the 'Owlet Smart Sock' that allows parents to track their child's heart rate, oxygen level and sleep trends up to five years of age.  Their are then 'extensions' and 'bundles' which offer additional options and low-cost products for additional care.  No parent should miss the opportunity this simple and straightforward campaign offers.  This could truly provide a favorable result to a 'life or death' issue."

Íris Brito, MD
Murilo Secanho, MD
Macarena Vizcay, MD
PRS Global Open’s Face the Case
PRS Global Open
Dallas, TX

Molly Brauer
Trihealth -
Student Debt Solution

Cincinnati, OH

Divider Text
Steve Casey
Ed Parker
Why the Merger
Is a Bad Idea

3550 Magazine
Portland, OR

Dianna Jo Copley
Georgina Morley
Ethics in Critical Care
AACN Advanced
Critical Care
Aliso Viejo, CA

Rachel Nania
What Can the 1918
Flu Pandemic Tell Us About the End of COVID?

Washington, DC

Margaret Guroff
The Back-to-Normal Health Plan for Your 50s/60s/70s
AARP The Magazine
Washington, DC

Mary Bearns
Alliant Energy-
Financial Wellness

Alliant Energy

"More than ever before, 2021 caused, at worst, panic, and at best, concern for one's financial well-being.  It became incumbent among financial planners to provide guidance to their clients and for all, particularly those approaching retirement age, to re-analyze their situations.  This Financial Wellness series did just that.  Through animated GIFs, emails and pdfs focused on savings, diversification, beneficiaries and overall wellness using 'My Financial Path,' valuable information was made available.  A particularly innovative technique in this program was the separation of materials provided to those <50 versus those 50+.  Email open rates vs. 2020 increased by over 30% in the <50 group and 38% in the 50+ group.  As a result of this campaign, significant changes were made in many cases."  

Susan Straight
“Raising Anti-racist Children” by
Kirsten Weir

American Psychological Association
Arlington, VA

Franchesca Charney
Initial distribution of COVID-19 vaccines to front-line hospital workers and community first responders—
A prospective descriptive study

American Society of Healthcare Risk Management

"During the initial weeks of vaccine availability, it was extremely important to collect as much data as possible so as to learn about the demographics, side-effects and missed work time experienced by front-line healthcare workers in both urban and rural settings.  The intent of this study, primarily, was to identify the most frequently experienced side effects from the two different vaccines based on age, gender, rage and occupation. Secondarily, the study sought to measure the total number of work shifts missed after receiving the vaccine.  The results were extremely helpful to institutions that had not yet vaccinated a majority of their work force and for strategic scheduling of employees when booster doses would become available.  Written in a medical journal, what sets this article apart is the easy-to-understand language used throughout so that even non-medical personnel can learn and benefit from the information presented."

Claire Meyer
Security Management: News & Trends
ASIS International
Alexandria, VA

Bruce Rosenstein
Frances Hesselbein
Leader to Leader Columns: Frances Hesselbein Column
Frances Hesselbein Leadership Forum,
University of Pittsburgh

"The author of the four columns presented in this entry is a Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient ant a former CEO of the Girl Scouts of the ISA.  Therefore, it is not a surprise that the subjects covered provide insights into a variety of social issues.  The Winter 2021 article, entitled 'The Leadership Landscape in a Time of Uncertainty' dealt with a myriad of challenges brought on by the pandemic such as working in a totally unpredictable environment, funding and financial challenges and the lack of a personal connection just to name a few.  The Fall 2021 article:  'The Ultimate Challenge of Life and Leadership" chronicles the authors return to the office after 16 months of working from home and her reflection on what leadership 'lessons' she learned throughout her career that help to grapple with the challenges of the day.  Stimulating reading, thought-provoking, just wonderfully written columns all earned this Grand Award."

Healio | Endocrine
Today Staff
Diabetes in Real Life
Thorofare, NJ

Diane Eastabrook
Aminah Beg
Liza Berger
Loneliness hits home
McKnight’s Home Care
Northbrook, IL

Kim Marselas
Nursing home worker vaccine mandates
McKnight’s Long-Term Care News

"Here is yet another fantastic series from McKnight's Long-Term Care News covering the ongoing developments and actions take during the pandemic.  In August, they wrote on the announcement that 'nursing homes must use workers vaccinated against COVID-19 or risk losing vital Medicare and Medicaid funding.'  They followed that with a November article describing how 'Long-term care staff must be fully vaccinated ..." providing comprehensive details about the requirement.  Incredibly well-written and informative, it's pieces like this that helped their audience get through tough times."

Marsha Lynn Bragg
Yvonne Gay
Noa Denmon
Black Voices: Members of the Oberlin community discuss racism and the murder of George Floyd
Oberlin College

"This is a collection of short essays and recollections brought to life by an award-winning illustrator.  Regardless of one's feelings about the topic, the quality of writing is undeniable and the online version is truly striking.  Starting with a scroll of ten names that will be unrecognizable to most people followed by a simple question 'Do You Know These Names', the story then recalls the name 'George Floyd' and is followed by personal stories and reflections from Oberlin alumni and faculty describing how racism has affected their lives.  Interspersed with photos and illustrations that enhance the editorial, the emotion put forth in 'Black Voices' is reason enough for this entry to receive an Apex Grand Award."

Andrew K. Przybylski
There Is No Evidence That Associations Between Adolescents’ Digital Technology Engagement and Mental Health Problems Have Increased
Oxford Internet Institute
Oxford, Oxfordshire
United Kingdom

Christine Coolick
Advancing Careers While Caring for Others
Society of Women Engineers
Cleveland Heights, OH

Kendra Prince
Dancing Through
the Fog

Tarrant County College

"This was one of the 'standout entries' in the Writing/Feature Writing category.  From the first paragraph, the reader is curious and greatly anticipating the next development in the story.  In this heartwarming tale, the main character, an associate professor of dance, chronicles the sometimes frustrating, but very rewarding task of using dance as dementia therapy and developing her program to such a degree that there was to be a case study published in a well-respected industry journal.  Incredibly, her research centers on how music brings rhythm to the body that can, in turn bring about memories and unlock stories.  Beautfully written, this judge felt the emotion and intensity of every sentence.  This, no question, was a 'feature' story that needed to be told."

Christina Grenhart
Lori McInerney
Anna Luebker
The Intersection of Patient Engagement and Provider Expectations
Chicago, IL

Jan Corwin Enger
Larry Aguirre
Navigating the diagnostic challenges of bipolar disorder in youth
Wolters Kluwer
Philadelphia, PA

Steve Casey
Ed Parker
Why the Merger
Is a Bad Idea

3550 Magazine
Portland, OR

Dianna Jo Copley
Georgina Morley
Ethics in Critical Care
AACN Advanced
Critical Care
Aliso Viejo, CA

Rachel Nania
What Can the 1918
Flu Pandemic Tell Us About the End of COVID?

Washington, DC

Margaret Guroff
The Back-to-Normal Health Plan for Your 50s/60s/70s
AARP The Magazine
Washington, DC

Mary Bearns
Alliant Energy-
Financial Wellness

Alliant Energy

"More than ever before, 2021 caused, at worst, panic, and at best, concern for one's financial well-being.  It became incumbent among financial planners to provide guidance to their clients and for all, particularly those approaching retirement age, to re-analyze their situations.  This Financial Wellness series did just that.  Through animated GIFs, emails and pdfs focused on savings, diversification, beneficiaries and overall wellness using 'My Financial Path,' valuable information was made available.  A particularly innovative technique in this program was the separation of materials provided to those <50 versus those 50+.  Email open rates vs. 2020 increased by over 30% in the <50 group and 38% in the 50+ group.  As a result of this campaign, significant changes were made in many cases."  

Susan Straight
“Raising Anti-racist Children” by
Kirsten Weir

American Psychological Association
Arlington, VA

Franchesca Charney
Initial distribution of COVID-19 vaccines to front-line hospital workers and community first responders—
A prospective descriptive study

American Society of Healthcare Risk Management

"During the initial weeks of vaccine availability, it was extremely important to collect as much data as possible so as to learn about the demographics, side-effects and missed work time experienced by front-line healthcare workers in both urban and rural settings.  The intent of this study, primarily, was to identify the most frequently experienced side effects from the two different vaccines based on age, gender, rage and occupation. Secondarily, the study sought to measure the total number of work shifts missed after receiving the vaccine.  The results were extremely helpful to institutions that had not yet vaccinated a majority of their work force and for strategic scheduling of employees when booster doses would become available.  Written in a medical journal, what sets this article apart is the easy-to-understand language used throughout so that even non-medical personnel can learn and benefit from the information presented."

Claire Meyer
Security Management: News & Trends
ASIS International
Alexandria, VA

Bruce Rosenstein
Frances Hesselbein
Leader to Leader Columns: Frances Hesselbein Column
Frances Hesselbein Leadership Forum,
University of Pittsburgh

"The author of the four columns presented in this entry is a Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient ant a former CEO of the Girl Scouts of the ISA.  Therefore, it is not a surprise that the subjects covered provide insights into a variety of social issues.  The Winter 2021 article, entitled 'The Leadership Landscape in a Time of Uncertainty' dealt with a myriad of challenges brought on by the pandemic such as working in a totally unpredictable environment, funding and financial challenges and the lack of a personal connection just to name a few.  The Fall 2021 article:  'The Ultimate Challenge of Life and Leadership" chronicles the authors return to the office after 16 months of working from home and her reflection on what leadership 'lessons' she learned throughout her career that help to grapple with the challenges of the day.  Stimulating reading, thought-provoking, just wonderfully written columns all earned this Grand Award."

Healio | Endocrine
Today Staff
Diabetes in Real Life
Thorofare, NJ

Diane Eastabrook
Aminah Beg
Liza Berger
Loneliness hits home
McKnight’s Home Care
Northbrook, IL

Kim Marselas
Nursing home worker vaccine mandates
McKnight’s Long-Term Care News

"Here is yet another fantastic series from McKnight's Long-Term Care News covering the ongoing developments and actions take during the pandemic.  In August, they wrote on the announcement that 'nursing homes must use workers vaccinated against COVID-19 or risk losing vital Medicare and Medicaid funding.'  They followed that with a November article describing how 'Long-term care staff must be fully vaccinated ..." providing comprehensive details about the requirement.  Incredibly well-written and informative, it's pieces like this that helped their audience get through tough times."

Marsha Lynn Bragg
Yvonne Gay
Noa Denmon
Black Voices: Members of the Oberlin community discuss racism and the murder of George Floyd
Oberlin College

"This is a collection of short essays and recollections brought to life by an award-winning illustrator.  Regardless of one's feelings about the topic, the quality of writing is undeniable and the online version is truly striking.  Starting with a scroll of ten names that will be unrecognizable to most people followed by a simple question 'Do You Know These Names', the story then recalls the name 'George Floyd' and is followed by personal stories and reflections from Oberlin alumni and faculty describing how racism has affected their lives.  Interspersed with photos and illustrations that enhance the editorial, the emotion put forth in 'Black Voices' is reason enough for this entry to receive an Apex Grand Award."

Andrew K. Przybylski
There Is No Evidence That Associations Between Adolescents’ Digital Technology Engagement and Mental Health Problems Have Increased
Oxford Internet Institute
Oxford, Oxfordshire
United Kingdom

Christine Coolick
Advancing Careers While Caring for Others
Society of Women Engineers
Cleveland Heights, OH

Kendra Prince
Dancing Through
the Fog

Tarrant County College

"This was one of the 'standout entries' in the Writing/Feature Writing category.  From the first paragraph, the reader is curious and greatly anticipating the next development in the story.  In this heartwarming tale, the main character, an associate professor of dance, chronicles the sometimes frustrating, but very rewarding task of using dance as dementia therapy and developing her program to such a degree that there was to be a case study published in a well-respected industry journal.  Incredibly, her research centers on how music brings rhythm to the body that can, in turn bring about memories and unlock stories.  Beautfully written, this judge felt the emotion and intensity of every sentence.  This, no question, was a 'feature' story that needed to be told."

Christina Grenhart
Lori McInerney
Anna Luebker
The Intersection of Patient Engagement and Provider Expectations
Chicago, IL

Jan Corwin Enger
Larry Aguirre
Navigating the diagnostic challenges of bipolar disorder in youth
Wolters Kluwer
Philadelphia, PA

Divider Text
Design & Illustration
Ellen Errico
2022 ALS Walk to Defeat ALS Collateral
ALS Association
Arlington, VA


"Suffice it to say that, given the greenery and color of a golf course, there is ample opportunity to include visually appealing photography.   However, this publication goes well above and beyond "visually appealing."  The hole-by-hole shots are completely breathtaking, making readers feel that they are literally on the golf course.  The photos of the golfers capture the intensity and emotion of participating in one of the grandest golf tournaments in the world.  Even if you are not a fan of the sport, this is a publication worth thumbing through, just for looking at the captivating photography.  Well done!"

Jennifer Dinkel
Maria Cipicchio
Infographic: Reaching Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Rochester, MI

Ginny Van Cura
b2b-interactive-A better path to affordable benefits

"It's always challenging to present data in a way that is not befuddling to many observers.  Through engaging photography and the simple, uncluttered way the information is provided, this entry effectively transmits confidence to the reader and reduces panic in a challenging financial environment.  A pure case of 'keep it simple.' "

Robert Getz
Population, Housing, and Economic Survey of Prince George’s County
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Upper Marlboro, MD

Design & Illustration
Ellen Errico
2022 ALS Walk to Defeat ALS Collateral
ALS Association
Arlington, VA


"Suffice it to say that, given the greenery and color of a golf course, there is ample opportunity to include visually appealing photography.   However, this publication goes well above and beyond "visually appealing."  The hole-by-hole shots are completely breathtaking, making readers feel that they are literally on the golf course.  The photos of the golfers capture the intensity and emotion of participating in one of the grandest golf tournaments in the world.  Even if you are not a fan of the sport, this is a publication worth thumbing through, just for looking at the captivating photography.  Well done!"

Jennifer Dinkel
Maria Cipicchio
Infographic: Reaching Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Rochester, MI

Ginny Van Cura
b2b-interactive-A better path to affordable benefits

"It's always challenging to present data in a way that is not befuddling to many observers.  Through engaging photography and the simple, uncluttered way the information is provided, this entry effectively transmits confidence to the reader and reduces panic in a challenging financial environment.  A pure case of 'keep it simple.' "

Robert Getz
Population, Housing, and Economic Survey of Prince George’s County
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Upper Marlboro, MD

One-of-a-Kind Publications
The SIGNAL Staff

"Here's a wonderful 8-page magazine designed to introduce school children to entertaining and, more importantly, education aspects of technology.  It's part of a STEM drive that is strongly supported by the parent organization, AFCEA.  The highlights of the issue are a story about growing lettuce by designing a hydroponic (not needing soil), vertical tower...how the U.S. Navy uses the amazing eyesight and hearing of dolphins and sea lions to find objects on the ocean floor, including undersea mines that could explode...and how to create your own invisible ink.  There are puzzles and brain games that are sure to engage inquiring young minds."

Courtney McKay
BOMA Deep Dives
BOMA International
Washington, DC

Lynn, MA

Kaitlyn Gallagher
MS Relapse Toolkit
Multiple Sclerosis
Association of America

"MS is an insidious disease that can cause problems with several physical and emotional aspects of a life.  It is vitally important to recognize a MS relapse so that it can be treated properly.  This valuable toolkit provides important, informative details on relapses and symptoms ... useful checklists to share with doctor and family ... FDA-approved and experimental treatment options ... questions to ask when developing a treatment plan with the healthcare team... and a number of other helpful tools to help understand MS relapses.  This is definitely a toolkit than anyone affected by MS should own."

Anne Llewellyn
We are Made of Stories: Stories from a Nurse Advocate
Nurse Advocate
Plantation, FL

Stacie Harrison
Eric Iversen
Mark Loepker
Outsmart Cyberthreats
Start Engineering, LLC
Winnetka, IL

One-of-a-Kind Publications
The SIGNAL Staff

"Here's a wonderful 8-page magazine designed to introduce school children to entertaining and, more importantly, education aspects of technology.  It's part of a STEM drive that is strongly supported by the parent organization, AFCEA.  The highlights of the issue are a story about growing lettuce by designing a hydroponic (not needing soil), vertical tower...how the U.S. Navy uses the amazing eyesight and hearing of dolphins and sea lions to find objects on the ocean floor, including undersea mines that could explode...and how to create your own invisible ink.  There are puzzles and brain games that are sure to engage inquiring young minds."

Courtney McKay
BOMA Deep Dives
BOMA International
Washington, DC

Lynn, MA

Kaitlyn Gallagher
MS Relapse Toolkit
Multiple Sclerosis
Association of America

"MS is an insidious disease that can cause problems with several physical and emotional aspects of a life.  It is vitally important to recognize a MS relapse so that it can be treated properly.  This valuable toolkit provides important, informative details on relapses and symptoms ... useful checklists to share with doctor and family ... FDA-approved and experimental treatment options ... questions to ask when developing a treatment plan with the healthcare team... and a number of other helpful tools to help understand MS relapses.  This is definitely a toolkit than anyone affected by MS should own."

Anne Llewellyn
We are Made of Stories: Stories from a Nurse Advocate
Nurse Advocate
Plantation, FL

Stacie Harrison
Eric Iversen
Mark Loepker
Outsmart Cyberthreats
Start Engineering, LLC
Winnetka, IL

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Williamsburg, VA  23188-7233

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Williamsburg, VA  23188-7233
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