APEX 2024 Categories

Results are in for 2024 APEX
Awards for Publication Excellence

Results are in for the 2024 APEX
Awards for Publication Excellence

Writing /
Type of Media
1. Feature Writing

2. Regular Departments & Columns (Enter either your single best Column or Department, or enter a series of [up to 3] columns or departments.)

3. Interviews & Personal Profiles

4. Writing Series (series of [up to 3] articles)

5. News Writing

6. Editorial & Advocacy Writing (includes letters to the editor)

7. How-To Writing
Writing / Topics

8. Health & Medical Writing

9. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

10. Technical & Technology Writing

11. Mental Health / Mental Illness

12. Education & Training

13. New Technology

14. Financial & Investment Writing (incl. Cryptocurrencies)

15. Economics / The Economy

16. Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Robotics

17. Culture & The Arts

18. History & Biography

19. Religion & Philosophy

20. Immigration

Magazines, Journals
& Tabloids
21. Print (entire issue-over 32 pages plus cover)

22. Print (entire issue-up to 32 pages plus cover)

23. Writing (entire issue)

24. Design & Layout (entire issue)

25. Electronic (includes Web & PDF magazines)

26. Custom-Published

27. Magazine Series (includes [up to 3] issues on a single topic or theme)

28. 1-2 Person-Produced (one or two people write most copy, edit and lay out)

29. Most Improved (enter one "before" [1/1/20 on] and one "after" [1/1/23 on] issue)
Electronic Media
30. Video Media (including YouTube, Web video and video published on disc or other media)

31. Education & Training

32. Apps & Podcasts

33. Electronic Publications (includes Web & PDF publications, including eBooks)

34. Special Purpose

35. Multimedia (includes interactive & non-interactive multimedia)

36. Virtual Communications / Employee Engagement

37. Virtual Communications / Conferences

Programs & Plans
38. Financial & Investment (includes retirement topics)

39. Employee & Benefit Communications

40. Marketing & Public Relations

41. Public Service (includes government, nonprofit and corporate programs in public information, charitable & community improvement areas)

42. Special Purpose

43. Special Events & Meetings (includes conferences)

44. Education & Training

45. Advertising Campaigns

46. Corporate Reputation / Brand Management

47. Fundraising

48. New Products / Services Launch

49. Age-Specific Marketing (Senior Citizen, Gen X, Gen Z, Youth, etc.)
Design & Illustration
50. Design & Layout

51. Covers

52. Photography (single photographs, photo illustrations & photo spreads)

53. Infographics

54. Best Redesigns (enter before & after)

55. Posters, Displays & Calendars (includes signage & exhibits)

56. Spreads

57. Print Ads & Advertorials

58. Illustration & Typography

59. Art Direction

60. Packaging
61. Electronic & Email (entire issue) (includes Web & PDF newsletters)

62. Writing (entire issue)

63. Print (entire issue-content & design)

64. 1-2 Person-Produced (one or two people write most copy, edit and lay out)

65. Design & Layout (entire issue)
Print Media
66. Employee & Benefit Materials

67. Books (enter eBooks in Category 33, Electronic Publications)

68. Education & Training

69. Special Purpose (includes special reports)

70. Catalogs, Directories & Guides

71. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

72. Marketing & Public Relations (includes media kits)

73. Meeting & Event Materials (includes conferences)
74. Websites (entire site, including content and design) (includes microsites)

75. WordPress Sites (sites created or hosted with WordPress)

76. Special Purpose

77. Health & Medical

78. Most Improved (enter before & after)

79. New

80. Design & Layout
Social Media
81. Social Media Sites (for social media and networking sites including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter / "X", Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, etc.)

82. Blog Content (editorial content of the entire blog)

83. Best Single Blog Post

84. Best Series of Blog Posts (includes [up to 3] posts on a single topic or theme)

85. Special Purpose

86. Influencer Marketing

87. Online Forums
One-of-a-Kind Publications

88. Political/ Government/ Association/ Nonprofit

89. Print

90. Electronic (includes Web & PDF publications)

91. Custom-Published

Annual Reports
92. Electronic (includes Web & PDF annual reports)

93. Print (over 32 pages plus cover)

94. Print (up to 32 pages plus cover)

95. 1-2 Person-Produced (one or two people write most copy, edit and lay out)
Public Concerns
& Trending Topics
(incl. COVID, Other Health Issues, Climate, Emergency Response, etc.)
96. Climate & Environmental Sustainability

97. Energy Issues (incl. Solar, Wind, Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Coal)

98. Emergency Management / Crisis Communications

99. Health & Medical (COVID-19, RSV, Flu and Other Viruses)

100.Politics & Government (incl. Local, State & Federal)
Writer's Web Watch

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