John has over 40 years experience in communications. He served for several years as communications vice president for a national chamber of commerce association and edited their monthly magazine for senior executives. While an educational consultant with the American Automobile Association, he co-authored a driver education textbook, Sportsmanlike Driving, published by McGraw-Hill. He also co-authored a book on driving for adults, How to Drive, and published numerous booklets and multimedia presentations.
In 1984, he founded Communications Concepts and launched a newsletter under the same name. For more than two decades, he published Communications Concepts, Communications Manager and Writing That Works, leading newsletters for professional corporate, nonprofit and independent writers, editors and communicators.
In 1988, he started the Awards for Publication Excellence with 50 award categories. The competition has grown steadily since then, and now receives thousands of entries in more than 100 categories. John has been active in such professional associations as the Newsletter and Electronic Publishers Association, the American Society of Business Press Editors, the International Association of Business Communicators, the Society for Technical Communication and Washington Independent Writers.